Compare, distinguish and explain what is the difference between 8086 and 8088 Microprocessor. Comparison and Differences.
Difference between 8086 and 8088 Microprocessor
1. 8086 has 16-bit data lines. 8088 has 8-bit data lines.
2. 8086 is available in three clock speeds, 5 MHz, 8 MHz and 10 MHz. 8088 is available in two clock speeds, 5 MHz and 8 MHz.
3. The memory space of 8086 is organized as two 512KB banks. The memory space of 8088 is implemented as single 1M *8 memory bank.
4. 8086 has 6-bit instruction queue. 8088 has 4-bit instruction queue.
5. The 8086 has BHE - Bank High Enable. The 8088 has SSO status signal.
6. The 8086 can read or write 8-bit or 16-bit data at a time. The 8088 can read or write 8-bit data at a time.
7. The I/O voltages level for 8086 is measured at 2.5 mA. The I/O voltages level for 8088 is measured at 2.5 mA.
8. The 8086 draws maximum supply current of 360mA. The 8088 draws maximum supply current of 340mA.
Difference between 8088 Microprocessor vs 8086
8086 vs 8088 Microprocessor
Differences between 8088 Microprocessor vs 8086
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