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Distinguish, differentiate, compare and explain what is the difference between JavaScript and VBScript. Comparison and Differences.
Difference between JavaScript and VBScript
1. JavaScript is the default scripting language for most web browsers. VBScript is not the default language, it must be specified as the scripting language when used.
2. JavaScript offers cross-platform support for most web browsers. VBScript supports only internet explorer.
3. JavaScript is case-sensitive. VBScript is not case-sensitive.
4. In JavaScript , the same character (+) is used for addition and concatenation. VBScript uses different characters for different actions. Example: & for concatenation.
5. JavaScript is used for only client-side applications. VBScript can be used for server-side as well as client side applications.
6. JavaScript uses curly braces to denote functions. VBScript uses Function and End Function to denote functions.
Difference between VBScript vs JavaScript
JavaScript vs VBScript
Differences between VBScript vs JavaScript
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