Distinguish, differentiate, compare and explain what is the Differences between Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. Comparison and Differences.
Differences between Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
1. The members of the Lok Sabha are directly elected by the people. The members of the Rajya Sabha are indirectly elected by the members of the Legislative Assemblies.
2. The strength of Lok Sabha is 552 out of which 2 members are nominated by the President. The Rajya Sabha can have a maximum of 250 members out of which 12 are nominated by the President.
3. The tenure of Lok Sabha is 5 years. The House can be dissolved before the expiry of the tenure. The tenure of Rajya Sabha members is 6 years but one-third members retire after every 2 years. It cannot be dissolved, it is a permanent House.
Difference between Rajya Sabha vs Lok Sabha
Lok Sabha vs Rajya Sabha
Differences between Rajya Sabha vs Lok Sabha
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