Seasonal Wedding Favors: Perfect Picks for Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall
GK Question and Answer - List3
- Put the worlds most common forename and surname together
- King James the IV practiced what (and charged) on subjects
- At the Festival of the Cleaver Spartans nailed what to the wall
- 43% of Americans regularly do what
- Chachi was a character in Happy days whats it mean in Korean
- Frank Sinatra John Wayne Paul Newman rejected what role
- Who was the first man to set foot on all five continents
- What idea began in London in 1764
- Only humans and what have hymens
- In Connecticut by law restaurants must provide separate what
- DELAG was the worlds first what Oct 16 1909
- Do ahashya da is Navaho for what
- Here comes the judge is from what TV show
- What is a Hindi in Turkey
- Apart from Star Trek Kirk Scott Spock Sulu (actors) what prog
- Elizabeth I had anthrophobia what was she afraid of
- What did Beethoven do before composing
- What gives onions their distinctive smell
- Where was the first police force established in 1667
- Who is the largest toy distributor in the world
- The average chocolate bar has eight what in it
- Zorro the heroes name means what in Spanish
- In Chicago its illegal to fish wearing what
- Vegetarians do what more than carnivore / omnivores
- What county has a national dog (only one country has one)
- What is the leading cause of death in China
- What product is consumed most in California
- What flavour is kirshwasser liqueur
- Farina is Italian for what
- Moons of the faithful is the Chinese translation of what fruit
- What science ficton author wrote about The Cities in Flight series
- What literary character was born on September 22 1290
- Patsy Mclenny became famous as who
- What fruits do Elephants eat to get pissed ( ferment inside )
- 30% of women have done it but only 10% do it regularly - what
- Its illegal to do what in the French vineyards
- What word come from the Latin phrase "to be ashamed or
- The Travelmate was designed to allow women to do what
- What TV program first used the word hell
- Termites eat wood twice as fast if what is happening
- What distinguished the 9th and 10th Cavalry
- Choroti women are expected to do what during sex
- What links horses rabbits and rats
- How did Queen Victoria ease her menstrual cramp pain
- George Washington carried a portable what
- What make and model of car was Christine in the book and film
- What liqueur is prepared from cumin and caraway seeds
- In Kansas its illegal to eat cherry pie with what
- Tamarack Idaho cant buy what after dark without sheriff permit
- 73% of what is produced and consumed in the USA
- 97A of all paper money in the USA has traces of what on it
- Catch 22 had what original name - publisher changed it
- Half the population of China is what
- What animals name comes from the Sanskrit to steal
- Telephone poles are mostly made from what wood
- The Spanish word Esposa means both wife and what
- What book was given to all officers in the Confederate army
- What Canadian city has the most bars per capita
- Ninkasi was the ancient Egyptian goddess of what
- Who was the voice of Scooby Doo
- In Glendale Arizona it is illegal for a car to do what
- Who said "Sometimes too much drink is barely enough"
- Joan Peters became famous as who
- Hawaiian Pia Polish Piwo Hungarian Sor - what is it
- All commercially bred turkeys are what
- Wimpy was the working title of what classic movie
- The longest section American slang dictionary what subject
- Climbing boys were banned what did sweeps drop down chimneys
- What was the Bikini originally called
- In Huston Texas they do it most 4.6 times per week - what
- What magazine has the largest unpaid circulation in the US
- More than 100 women make a living from impersonating who
- In Omaha Nebraska its illegal for a bather to shave what
- Ancient Chinese thought what fruit a symbol long life immortality
- Fried Chicken Strawberry Shortcake tad Xmas eve meal where
- Calgary University offers a two day course in what
- Cleopatra sometimes wore a fake what
- in 1980 the Yellow Pages listed a Funeral Home under what
- Most Jell-o contains crushed what
- What colour are the Amazon river dolphins
- What pop group said "Were only in it for the volume"
- Phonetically spelled out what does Esso mean in Japan
- If you had aprosexia what would be impaired or reduced
- 90% of New York cabbies are what
- In Massachusetts it is illegal to deliver what on Sundays
- Name the first mailman in Philadelphia
- US school buses are Chrome Yellow but they used to be what
- Harold Edgerton has taken all the worlds photos of what
- 15% of American males are what - so are bulls
- Seattle Rome Edinburgh Sheffield what links them
- There are over 800 brands of what for sale in the USA
- In what country do they answer the phone by saying Im listening
- Who captured the first confederate flag in the US civil war
- Bourbon Miss restaurant by law what must be served with water
- Mary Leta Dorothy Slaton became famous as who
- Who said "More people would be alive if we had a death penalty"
- The Chinese apple is another name for what fruit
- Massachusetts in April the law states that dogs will have what
- What is Daffy Ducks middle name
- In downtown Lima Peru there is a brass statue of who
- 43% of women want to try sadomasochism after smelling what
- 26% of McDonalds Ontario employees admit doing what
- What is the name of the elephant headed god in India
- The foghorn of the QE2 plays in what note
- McDonalds and Burger King put what on their fries
- Where is a horses poll
- Who rejected the role of Riddler in Batman Forever
- The Victorians began circumcision of male babies to stop what
- What conc. product carried in tankers has a hazardous sign
- In Georgia its illegal for a barber to do what
- 25% of sexually active people have tried what
- Who said "Losing my virginity was a career move"
- Hemeroticism is what
- Depeche Mode the 80s groups name translates as what
- Marathon runners have on average 14 a week - what
- 41% of American women believe what nationality best husbands
- On Average North American women do what 83 times a year
- 46% of women say this is better than sex - what
- Where is the fourth most popular place on a ship to have sex
- And what is the first
- The word negligee is French and suggests wearer does what
- In Tennessee it is illegal to sell what on a Sunday
- Volney was in hundreds of films where can you see him
- Aloes Alces is the Latin name for what animal
- Where do Cuckoo clocks come from
- What used to be measured in Gillettes
- OShey Jackson became better known as who
- A talus is what geographical feature
- What is a Godeminche
- In Virginia its against the law for people to bribe except who
- In ancient Greece aristocratic women were deflowered with what
- JRR Tolkein wrote The Lord of the Rings what the JRR stand for
- A Hop Low is the world smallest - what
- What has 121 holes
- What was the first video played on MTV Europe
- Thurl Ravenscroft is the voice of who
- What was Ghengis Khans first job
- In film making what is a martini shot
- What flavours root beer
- 30 million people in the USA have diasima - what is it
- In Chaucers England a mussel was slang for what
- In New Jersey what cant be sold on a Sunday
- What is the name for a male ferret
- Woodpecker Scalps - Porpoise Teeth - Giraffe Tails what links
- What was the city symbol of Pompeii
- In Old English what is a frieosan
- Who was supposed to play Betelgeuse in the movie
- Psychologist say when a woman wears red she wants what
- 67% of dog owners do what at holiday time
- in 1994 314 Americans had what type of surgery
- English ships carried limes protect scurvy what US ships carry
- How many tail feathers has a Kiwi
- What gem was Cleopatras signet
- Cagney shoves grapefruit Mae Clarke face was going to be what
- In North Carolina its against the law for who / what to fight
- Who said "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar"
- The word stymie originated in what sport
- What is silviculture
- Rosalind Julia Podia Viola Cymbeline what links not obvious
- What medal shows 3 naked men hands on each others shoulders
- J Worthington Foulfeather was the name of what Disney character
- What was the only film about Vietnam made during the war
- What did archers at the ancient Olympics use as targets
- What national flag has the largest animal emblem - a lion
- If not a bird magician or a spitfire engine What is a Merlin
- What is the Badger state
- In Michigan married couples can be imprisoned unless they what
- Arturo Toscanini played what instrument before conducting
- After the Bible what book did Americans rate as their favourite
- What are the names of the two cats in Disneys Lady + Tramp
- What is the oldest registered trade mark still used in USA
- Whose legs were banned from metro posters too distracting
- Where would a soldier wear a Havelock
- Where are the glasshouse mountains
- What was Napoleon Bonapartes official emblem
- The USA call her the Maid of Honour what do the British call her
- What airport has the code MME
- In Missouri a man must have a permit to do what
- Clomipramine an anti depressant had what unusual side effect
- What is the name of Madonnas Chiuhauha
- Rich Ramirez Sanchez became notorious as who
- To a golfer whats a frosty
- What is Xylography
- What is Fonzies full name on Happy Days
- Jacque Cousteaus ship Calypso used to be what before he got it
- What books original title was Murder in the Calais Coach
- What in reality was Dr McCoys medical scanner in Star Trek
- In Phoenix Arizona you cant walk through a hotel wearing what
- What is tripsophillia
- Name first monochrome film converted electronically to colour
- What does the name Mesopotamia mean
- What was the name of the baby in Three Men and a Baby
- What is a Winter Banana
- In what movie did Richard Drefus make his one line debut
- What is the meaning of the Sioux word Tonka - used for toys
- What are or were Wix Fibs and Fax
- By law In Washington State a concealed weapon must be what
- In Louisiana by law who cant be charged more than 25c haircut
- What is Corvus another name for
- What links fire escapes windshield wipers bullet proof vests
- Growing Up Skipper Mattel doll 1970 what happened arm turned
- Spain Portugal and Algeria are three top produces of what
- What building in New York has 43600 windows
- Where is the worlds largest bullfighting ring
- A Klazomaniac cant stop doing what
- A sheep duck and rooster were worlds the first what
- What American state has the most outhouses
- What tough guy actor has a real first name of Walter
- What toy is manufactured to a tolerance of 5 thou of a millimetre
- What job is most likely to make the practitioner an alcoholic
- All hospitals in Singapore use what brand name product
- Colgate (the toothpaste) translates to what in Spanish
- In the next 7 days 800 Americans will be injured by what
- British politician John Montigue is credited with inventing what
- How did Bobby Beach - broke all bones over Niagara in barrel die
- Whos Christian names inc Johannes Chrysostomus Theophilus
- In Oklahoma by law baseball teams cannot do what
- What is Ordune
- Why were Mothers called mama or mommy in many languages
- What is Sekkusu in Japan
- Half the worlds population has seen at least one what
- With what song did Status Quo opened the Band Aid concert
- An accolade is something of praise what was original meaning
- Where would you find your shank
- September 22 is National what appreciation day
- The is no known language without a word for this creature - what
- What does a tsiologist study
- Who was the first American to make 5100 million a year
- 99% of American households have at least one what
- In Denver Colorado it is illegal to mistreat who / what
- Any sufficiently advanced technology indistinguishable from magic
- 70% people would stamp barefoot broken glass that watch what
- 56% of Americans believe there is what in heaven
- In Ancient Mesopotamia people worshiped what
- Lachanophobia is the fear of what
- In Kansas by law you cannot drive what down the street
- What is ipsism another name for
- In any one month 36% of Americans eat what for breakfast
- What job has the longest lifespan in the USA average age 77
- Faith Hope Charity Fortitude Justice Prudence whats missing
- Morris Frank brought Buddy from Swiss in 1928 what was Buddy
- Stephanie Powers was Girl from UNCLE characters name
- In what city was Americas first stock exchange built
- We know what a fez is but what does fez mean in Turkish
- What product can be found in four out of five American homes
- 45% of Americans use what each day
- USA favourite computer passwords are love and sex what UK
- William Moulton Marston Lie Detector and what comic character
- On the Munsters what was Lillies maiden name
- What did D H Laurence do with his horse Aaron when it died
- What in Japan is a Mawashi
- What links George Patton Jayne Mansfield Margaret Mitchell
- A Badger gets its name from badge meaning what
- Collective nouns - a descent of what
- In Florida its against the law to put what on the school bus
- What is Lygeristia (a limiting thing)
- Who appeared on the first cover of TV guide 3 April 1953
- Who said "To many of our imports are from abroad"
- The Rambunctious and Clever Ones what films name in Taiwan
- What ingredient causes the shine in expensive eye shadow
- What do you call the cap on a file hydrant
- Who is the Roman Goddess of sorcery hounds and crossroads
- Only three Angels are named in Bible Gabriel Michael and who
- What is the name of Datas cat in Star Trek Next Generation
- What word starts and ends with and
- In what sport would you find a Hosel
- What was banned by law 16th 17th century Venice
- The Nullarbor desert is in Western Australia whats it mean
- Collective nouns - a mustering of what
- Caterpillar comes from the old French whats it literally mean
- What links Cary Grant Mohammed Ali Prince Charles
- In 1923 what new optional accessory was offered on cars
- What is Indiana Jones first name
- What first appeared on the USA domestic market in 1960
- In North Carolina it is illegal for what to race down the street
- What job has a pudentacurist
- Two weeks after hatching what is 3000 times its birth weight
- In 1919 in the USA you could be jailed for doing what in Public
- The Merry Go Round is Broken Down - whose melody is that
- Mark Chapman was carrying what book when he killed Lenon
- Paramount Pictures logo has 22 what
- Why did Ancient Egyptians shave their eyebrows
- Other than fruit what is the only natural food made without killing
- Who is known as Tuhkimo in Finland
- The first Apple Mac hard disk was how big
- Who was the first Marvel Comics superhero
- The word rodent comes from the Latin rodere meaning what
- What was the first video played on MTV
- The Chinese pictogram for trouble also means what
- An lntente is a players manager in what sport
- Collective nouns - A gang of what
- Peladophobia is the fear of what
- After water what is the most consumed beverage
- What is pompoir
- In West Virginia its illegal to cook what - because of smell
- In Norse mythology Odin traded an eye for what
- Who wrote the poem It was the night before Christmas
- What is a pismire
- In Arthur C Clarks Childhoods end the aliens look like what
- What animals name translate from Arabic as He who walks fast
- The worlds what museum is at 19 Green belt North York Ontario
- At her beheading Marie Antoinette wore what colour shoes
- What country has the worst roads averaging 10 deaths per mile
- Magnus Huss (a Swede) coined which word
- In Vancouver a city law says all cars must carry what
- Who made his screen debut in Mad Dog Col 1961 as a cop
- Ernest Breaux a chemist created which product in 1921
- What flowers name derives from the Greek word for testicle
- who told the evil king Schahriah stories
- Spanakopia is a Greek pie filled with what
- What is in a Ballini cocktail
- John Pierpoint wrote what seasonal ditty
- Where is the worlds oldest belltower AD 1069
- What is in the Red Data Book
- April is the cruellest month - which poet wrote that line
- Tyrian Purple is a strong dye made from what
- What countries women most likely to have sex on a first date
- In 19th century England what was a Snickerdoddle
- Joan Sandra Molinsky became famous as who
- If you were acomoclitic what would turn you on
- Who wrote the book - Call of the Wild
- What was the name of Frank Zappas first band
- Who was nicknamed "Queen of the Swashbucklers"
- What Italian stew literally translates as Bone with a Hole
- If you had Cynophillia what type of sex turns you on
- Who directed the movie Wall Street 1987
- In what US state is area 51
- What is Belleek
- What 6th century Greek poet is the father of drama
- Who was the main plotter in the Gunpowder Plot 1605
- In Red Dwarf what did the H stand for on Rimmers head
- Illinois State law its illegal to speak what language
- What US president spent between 11 and 15 hours asleep daily
- Janette MacDonald was nicknamed the Iron what
- Where is the Star Fleet Academy located
- What countries women are most likely to have sex daily
- What is the main ingredient of tahini used in the Middle East
- What is the name of the scale measuring depth of coma (GCS)
- Which 19th century battle UK / USA fought after peace signed
- What place is nicknamed "The City of Lilies"
- In San Jose California where is it illegal to sleep without permit
- What is a Tambura
- In what literary work would you find the yahoos
- In Chinese mythology what is Taimut
- Greek mythology what underground river souls drink and forget
- Jane Peters became famous as who - ( Clark Gables wife )
- In the Canterbury Tales why were the pilgrims travelling
- What translates as The fist foot way
- The furcula is what part of a bird
- What is an Oklahoma / Arizona / Harlem credit card
- Lucius Tarquinius Superbus was the last king of where
- What is measured with a Snodgrass grathodynamometer
- In LA by law you cant hunt what at night in streetlight
- In Greek mythology who gave the "eyes" to the peacock
- A couple dogging are having sex with others watching where
- Harry Alan Robert Stewart made redundant Britain 1960s Job
- Orbis non Sufficit - World is not enough - whose family motto
- In Tejo a S American game players throw stones at buried what
- What come in varieties Norway Oriental Sitka White Siberian
- Wilhelm Beer and Johan von Madler first good map where 1830
- A musical instrument and the French word for paper clip what
- What links Yul Bryner Burt Lancaster WC Fields Joe E Brown
- Outfit/costume first seen 1914 film Kid Auto Races at Venice
- Evening Star no 92220 was the last what
- Who was found dead in Hollywoods Landmark Hotel 4 Oct 1970
- June 1611 what English navigator was cast adrift by mutineers
- Rams Hom Wandering Bladder Prickly Herald types of what
- Who sent Stanley to Africa to look for Livingstone
- Who was "The father of magazine science fiction"
- San Francisco by law unleashed what cant walk down market street
- A phalophilliac has a fetish about what
- Who first appeared in the film A Tale of two Kitties in 1942
- Word for slight of hand comes from the French for nimble finger
- What links Steve McQueen Ian Botham Spike Milligan
- A Primagravida is what
- Baron de Coubertin won Gold at the Olympics 1912 for what
- In Norse mythology what was Audulma - wet nurse of giants
- In nautical terms what five letter word means duty at the helm
- San Francisco by law you cant clean your car with what
- In the Dictionary of Vulgar Tongue 1811 what is a wasp
- What was the first film musical based on a Shakespeare play
- Zerelda was the first name of what outlaws wife and mother
- Robert Record in the mid 16th century invented what sign
- Nathan Bedford Forest a confederate general was the first what
- Name the first British actress to appear on a British stamp 1985
- Patricia Holm is the girlfriend of what famous fictional character
- Comic strip character 1920s name means meek person in USA
- Sylvester Stallone film shares name with Paris art movement
- What fictitious murderer first appeared in String of Pearls 1840s
- In what film were Aldeberan Antares Atair Rigel seen
- What place was nicknamed "The Pearl of the Orient"
- A Retifist has a fetish about what
- In Pueblo Colorado its illegal for what to grow in city limits
- In Lebanon Virginia its illegal to do what to your wife
- Illustrator Florence K Upton created what (now not PC)
- In what play do we follow Aaron a Moor beloved of Tamora
- Boreas Eurus Notus Zephyrus were what
- What space craft mapping Venus named 15/16 century explorer