GK Question and Answer - List5
- What was innovative about Co-op winter warmer ale
- In the UK they are butter beans what in the USA
- Who said I have had a talent for irritating women since I was 14
- Peter Sellers played Clouseau but who dropped the role
- Parorexia is the desire for what
- Legend says tortellini was created to honour what part of Venus
- Who invented the dumb waiter
- What was the top grossing film of the 60s
- In 2000 what word was written on Sydney bridge in fireworks
- STDs are the most costly health problem in the USA whats 2nd
- Scarlet OHara had what original first name
- Who wrote the post nuclear war novel On the Beach
- Name the one person who has won a Nobel and an Oscar
- First used in Salt Lake 1980s what was a jarvik
- Excluding the what word appears most in Bond film titles
- Which character did not appear in the cartoon Star Trek
- What is a casaba
- A screwdriver becomes a fuzzy screw when you add what
- Hungarian doctor Karolyn Maria Beekert coined what word 1869
- Name Roman soldier who is supposed to have stabbed Jesus
- What is Colombos first name
- Santiago is the capitol of Chile what does it mean
- The ancient Egyptians worshiped a sky Goddess name her
- Aprosexia is the abnormal inability to do what
- Peter George wrote Two Hours to Doom filmed as what
- Hugh Hefner and Katherine Hepburn both had degrees in what
- What is a hen of the woods
- Which film of the 70s received the most Oscars
- In Hindu mythology Meru is equal to what Greek site
- 357 UK roads are specially marked to protect what
- In China its 19 grams but in Denmark 42 grams average what
- Name the smurf spin off characters that live underwater
- One quarter of people who lose sense of small also lose what
- Which vegetable has the highest sugar content
- Quarter oz whiskey half ounce sloe gin makes a black what
- Which tough guy actor was once a drop hammer operator
- Which group govern in a plutocracy
- In western palmistry the index finger is linked to which planet
- The Central Perk Cafe appears in which TV series
- What does sputnik literally mean
- The Volga is Europe longest river what is the second longest
- An archangel cat has what colour coat
- What instrument did Glen Miller play
- Debby Boone sang the No 1 song of the 70s name it
- In Ecuador if you were served tronquito what have you eaten
- From Here to Eternity gets its name from a poem by who
- Where would you find a coffin joint
- What phenomenon do cereologists study
- In 1995 what was the most common name given to girls in USA
- And again in 1995 what was the one given to boys in USA
- Which Shakespeare play ends in marriage of Benedict Beatrice
- Lord Lovat was the last in England to do what
- Name the cowardly member of Dick Dastardlys squadron
- What is the correct topping for a pastitsio
- Mojo is a Filipino what
- In 1940s California it was illegal to serve alcohol to who
- Name actor fired as no star quality because of big Adams apple
- What was Buddy Hollies current single when he died
- Who wrote April is the cruellest month in poem The Wasteland
- What is 40 in Roman numerals
- What is a shubunkin
- What was the first company formed to manufacture motor cars
- Which brother sister won Wimbledon mixed doubles in 1980
- Be prepared is the boy scout motto whats the girl guides motto
- Again in Ecuador if you were served cuy what have you eaten
- In military terms what is a SLR
- London and which UK city are joined by the Grand Union canal
- Who wrote the childrens story The Old man of Lochnagar
- What are the devils bones
- Name Tina Turners solo comeback album of 1984
- What was the first nationally released film with a PG 13 rating
- On a poll 50% men said sex in bed favourite 20% fern what fem
- What is the main ingredient of a booyah
- What does the VO on a bottle of Seagrams stand for
- What actor was once fruit picker iceman truck driver propman
- USA supreme court 1962 said who cant be imprisoned - illegal
- What is the currency of Turkey
- The word planet comes from Greek whats it literally mean
- Sailors round the horn - off which country are they doing it
- American comes from USA what someone from Monaco called
- On an ordinance survey map what does a H in circle represent
- Which fashion designer said - A woman is as old as her knee
- A professional boxer is limited to 36 feet - feet of what
- On the Beaufort scale 8 represents what
- What is the capitol of Belarus
- Soyuz was a soviet spacecraft but whats it literally mean
- Which American author wrote The tum of the Screw
- Who sang about Angel in a Centrefold
- Who first starred in the film The Boy in the Plastic Bubble
- Surveyed 70% of US females said they preferred this to sex what
- Which English speaking country consumes most table wine per
- What are garbanzo beans also known as
- The Undiscovered Country a Star Trek tide taken from where
- David Comwell is better known as which author
- Puccinis Turendot is set in which country
- If you have a viral infection of the parotid glands what is it
- Ophidiophobia is the fear of what
- Collective nouns - A glint of what
- Pal Hewson became more famous as who
- Which island is also known as the apple isle
- Who was nicknamed The Great Communicator
- Tiramisu is a coffee desert but what does it literally mean
- In what game would you nurdle scrunge or camovsky
- Where would you find racettes
- Why did Disney recall his first celluloid Donald Duck toys
- Which South American country does not border the Pacific
- What is the largest moon in our solar system
- What is the characteristic of an aphyllus plant
- Plantalgia is pain where
- In which film did we meet Baron Numpsi as the villain
- What religion was Adolf Hitler
- Poison oak and ivy belong to which general family
- Bognor Java gets is on average 322 days annually what
- Epiphany Christian feast 6th Jan translates from Greek as what
- Progress through Pain was whose motto
- Mastigophobia is the fear of what
- A woman has Hisdoy syndrome what has she got
- Who had a hit in the UK singing about the Streets of London
- What does CMOS stand for in a computer
- Prova from provolone means what
- Saint Augustine first argued for what
- What original story begins Aladdin was a little Chinese boy
- In the Vietnam war what was the signal US to evacuate Saigon
- Games Slater invented what
- The group Simply Red were named after what
- Virginia Patterson Hensley became more famous as who
- Which worlds city is known as The Golden City
- The earliest paper written in Latin is a womans writing what is it
- Every year theres a ton of it for every person in the world - what
- Thomas Jeffersons home has a hidden what? illegal in his time
- Which country contains every type of climate in the world
- The Soviet Sukhoi-34 fighter was the worlds first with what
- The are six sides on a standard one - a standard what
- Westminster Abbey is dedicated to who
- Hokusai and Hiroshige were famous Japanese what
- Reverend Marcus Morris founded which UK comic in the 50s
- Where would you find Queen Maud Land
- Who played the doctor in the rock opera Tommy
- King George III is remembered in which childrens nursery rhyme
- Lygophobia is the fear of what
- In what country was the paperclip invented
- What is the flavour of a piri-piri sauce
- Which organisation has been selling racehorses since 1176
- Which early rock singer was nicknamed killer
- Names from jobs - Baker Cook obvious what did a Mercer do
- What title has the wife of an earl
- La Celestine was the first one in Spain the first what
- According to Guinness book whats measured in Milli-Helens
- What word originally meant a dark cosmetic eye powder
- In ancient Sparta what was the penalty for bachelorhood
- In Disneys Jungle book name four vultures
- What is the highest waterfall in the Alps
- Which US state drinks the least beer per capita
- Collective nouns - A wiggle of what
- Farok Pluto Bulsara became more famous as who
- Which actor made his debut in the 1958 film Cry Baby Killer
- A computer does a POST what is a post
- What French word means liquor is half frozen
- In Spain what is manchego
- Who was known as the Queen of Folk Music
- Collective nouns - A shiver of what
- Linda Hunt won an Oscar Year of Living Dangerously what 1st
- Where is the only digital rolex watch in the world
- In Kiplings How the Leopard got its Spots name the Leopard
- What do the Chinese regard as the highest form of visual art
- Vestiophobia is the fear of what
- In the UK marmite is a spread but what is a marmite in France
- Name Donald Ducks father
- The film Cleopatra was banned in Egypt in 1963 why
- What would an antipyrhettic drug be used for
- In music who decided that an octave should have eight notes
- What is the Latin word for to roll
- Which garment traditionally contains eight sections of material
- What international airport is identified by the letters CCU
- Which part of the body will expand three times when excited
- In computing what is the smallest movement of a mouse called
- What item would you see on the flag of Malta
- Sameer Bhatia from Bangalore began what service
- Who was known as the Father of Science Fiction
- Winnie the Pooh lived where
- Sufferers from lambdacism cannot do what
- Pierce Brosnens contract stops him doing what in any other film
- Spielberg named the shark in Jaws Bruce why
- Barajas is the main airport - where
- Sterlet is the rarest most expensive what
- Robert Langford Modini became more famous as who
- Collective nouns - A congress or flange of what
- Anthony Pratt invented what in the 1940s
- The Stirling prize is awarded annually for which field of design
- Parcheesi is the national game of which country
- What shape is a saggitated leaf
- What is the Oscar statuette holding Sword
- Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle better known as what
- Who would get an award known as the purple cross
- What sport was described as "Chess with muscles"
- The Bahunia a five petal wild orchid is the symbol of where
- 1858 Queen Victoria sent the first transatlantic telegram to who
- If you have a Barr test what was tested
- Weve used Xerox but from Greek what does it literally mean
- How was Boris Karloff listed in the credits 1931 Frankenstein
- Who is the father of the Russian alphabet
- What did the ancient Greeks call the fear of woods and forests
- Whose family name is Zimprsquzzntwlfb
- Where did the group 10cc get their name
- Who said "All I can say is that Im not a Marxist"
- Who is buried in a chapel near lake Stroganoff in Romania
- What area gets its name from the Greek word for bear
- The head of which organisation is known as The Black Pope
- What sport still requires competitors to wear formal clothing
- The name Hilary comes from Latin meaning what
- Katy Mirza was the first Indian woman to do what
- Richard Attenbourough and wife were the first leads in what play
- The Rhine rises in which country
- In English packs its the Jack or Knave what in French packs
- Which cartoon character was originally called egghead
- What is measured in Darwins
- Sacred carvings is the literal translation of what word
- Lake Tiberius is better known by what name
- What is a curragh
- Pax was the Roman god of peace whos the Greek equivalent
- Who was the last prisoner in the Tower of London
- Joseph Gayette invented it in 1857 to prevent piles - what
- Whose epitaph reads Lived a philosopher died a Christian
- Who was the first newspaper owner to give staff a paid holiday
- Ronald MacDonald is worldwide except Japan whats he there
- Where can you see Ada Byron
- What is the most tattooed product in the world
- Which Somerset Maughn novel is considered autobiographical
- The Sureto are the secret service of which country
- Who created the character Parker Pyne
- Archimedes lived in which city
- Who is the first person a newly elected Pope meets
- Whos only person have Dewey Decimal class named after him
- Taliban women required by law to wear what on left arms
- Which country is named after its highest point
- What would you do at a table in Greece
- Felix Hoffman discovered the worlds first synthetic drug 1897?
- Where do the natives speak tagalog
- Which composer was nickname the Red Priest
- Which instrument does a cymbalist play
- What is made by the crush tear curl process
- Bovine is cow like but what does hircine refer to
- A speed stick measure the speed of what
- President Kennedy was shot in Dallas in what type of car
- In mythology what is the offspring of a God and mortal called
- Where would you find an intrados
- Which part of a boar is called a wreath
- In Japan what is jigai
- Which company had slogan You dont win silver you lose gold
- In what is the Shannon trophy competed for
- Which island gets its name from the Portuguese for bearded
- John Le Can invented what common term used in espionage
- Crystal City in Texas put up a statue to what cartoon character
- The Sydney Olympic torch showed a boomerang and what else
- Broom Bromden an Indian narrates which famous book
- What was Butch Cassidys original profession
- Whose business was ran from 2222 South Wabash
- Which literary character takes his name from Latin for nobody
- Which companies first product was an electric rice cooker
- What was the Latin word for wheel - now a common transport
- Panchaguni is the Indian God of what art
- Don Hoeffier coined what phrase in Electronic News in 1971
- What beverage named after the UK Prime Minister of the 1830s
- You have head of ebay.com whats ebay translate to in Russian
- Traditionally Lamborghini Miura and Diablo are named for what
- Narton is a mixture of baking soda and salt what was it used for
- All the Richard Hannay books got their titles from where
- Whose film debut was Jennings in Revenge of the Creature 1955
- What are studied by hymenopterists
- What gift is given on behalf Saudi Arabia King to Mecca pilgrims
- What counties national drink is called aizag pronounced I shag
- Which cowboys middle names were Berry Stapp
- What did Sir Humphry Davy say was his best discovery
- Which organisation began in a converted toilet in central London
- What gets its name from the Greek meaning large catapult
- Where is the Isle of Pelicans
- Where would you find the titmus test
- What is the Chinese word for wind
- What or where was original deadline
- Where is Landino spoken
- What was the first doctor film made in 1954
- Information about what subject is recorded in Wisden
- Gerald Gardner in the 50s founded which pagan organisation
- On a UK ordinance survey map what is shown by a blue star
- In the middle of the land is the literal translation of where
- Venus and Adonis was whose first published work
- What is the highest French civil decoration awarded
- In the Archie comics what is Jugheads first name
- Which meteorological phenomena means "a curl of hair" in Latin
- Which racing circuit is nicknamed the brickyard
- Who or what are Taikonauts
- The profits from the 1929 edition of Mein Kampf went to where
- Where would you find the original Mr Plod
- Which companies logo is based on the legend of cats nine lives
- Which PC game shares it name with a Bond film character
- What is the Welsh name for Wales
- What is a virgule
- Sumo cant be Olympic because it bans women - why
- In Greek what does Eunuch literally translate as
- When Harrison Ford was The Fugitive who was the lawman
- Where were the original loopholes
- Roman soldiers were given slaves - what were they called
- Which creatures name translates as the lizard in Spanish
- West Side Story tells about the West side of what or where
- What was the worlds first televised murder
- What company used to be called The Haloid Company
- The Chinese year cycle starts with 1st to ask Buddha which
- Character in a movie series named Sanskrit word warrior what
- What is the default extension given to paintbrush files
- In the UK today 16000 people die annually from what
- In which TV program did Sergeant Bosco appear
- In ancient Athens every third man worked with what
- Every day 2700 Americans find out what
- Where would you find you columella - or what is it
- What was used at Wimbledon for the first time in 1986
- Which novel has the longest sentence in literature 823 words
- What is the most stolen item in US drugstores
- Crab is the only named one in any Shakespeare play - what
- What was the first Olympic sport to include women
- Which of the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse rode a red horse
- Venus Observa is the technical term for what
- Which male mammals have the highest rate of homosexuality
- Sex shop survey whats most popular flavour eatable knickers
- And what is the least
- Which country has no public toilets
- Which cartoon character was originally pink and called Orsen
- What product changed its original name from the soundabout
- There are more in Los Angeles than in all France - what
- Syngenesophobia is the fear of what
- What fictional Englishman belongs to the Ganymede club
- From which modem country did the Franks come
- The origin of the word penis is Latin meaning what
- And which animals penis is prehensile
- On a UK ordinance survey map what is shown by a red flag
- Who was the first rock star arrested on stage
- Which authors personal publishing venture is Philtrum Press
- Which animal sleeps on its back
- What is the most ordered item in American restaurants
- What does a gozzard have or own
- Records show four Popes died doing what
- In the Beatles White Album who was Martha my Dear
- Myosotis Sylvestris is the Latin name of which common plant
- Who owned a cat called Apollinaris
- Whose last words were "Its unbelievable"
- Who read the original writing on the wall
- N is the civil aircraft marking for which country
- Thaslophobia is the fear of what
- Beagles were a hunting dog bred to hunt what
- Peggy is a diminutive for which girls name
- Boreas is the Greek God of what
- Where are the Canarie Islands situated
- Where could you spend a Lempira
- What type of creature was an Archelon
- Shu was an Egyptian God of what
- In Japan what is a Kissaten
- In which religion are the holy writings called the Adi Granth
- What is a dogrib
- The petawatt is the worlds largest what
- Which writer invented the word drab
- In the body where would you find your diverticula
- EL is the international aircraft letters of which country
- Which creature appears on the Samoan flag
- Who owns the Audi car company
- In the Bible what was the sixth plague of Egypt
- What is the scientific name for the gorilla
- Name Steve McQueens Karate teacher - later an actor
- On what common item would you find a keeper
- Coprastastaphobia is the fear of what
- What is the most common plastic surgery done on US men
- Who owned a cat called Bismarck
- In the Batman comics what is the full real identity of the Riddler
- Where was the worlds first water clock invented
- What religious leaders name means Sign of God
- In 1965 Gambia achieved independence from which country
- On what common item would you find a harp
- In Bali they observe noebi a day of what
- The worlds first opened in Los Angles April 2nd 1902 - what
- Who was the first non head of state to appear on a stamp
- If the doctor gave you salversan he would be treating your what
- The yellow food colouring tartrazine comes from what
- What does a kayser measure
- In the body where would you find your villus
- The fennec is the smallest of its species - the smallest what
- What was the original meaning of the word harlot
- Ennisophobia is fear of what
- In the Bible Judah was in which province
- Name Canadas oldest incorporated city
- In which country is the Nokia company based
- What is the common name for an integrated circuit
- What did John Montague invent
- Goose Flats changed its name to what US city
- From which country did the original vandals come
- Gabbro is which type of rock
- What is the correct name for a baby mink
- Ontology is the study of what
- What is the state song of California
- The museum of what can be found at Pontedassio in Italy
- Aruba is an island under which kingdom
- Who is the Patron Saint of grocers
- Chysoprase is a shade of what primary colour
- The paraclete is another name for which Christian religious item
- What is unique about the pistol star
- Venation is used to describe what item
- In Braille which letter uses the least number of raised dots
- The state tree of Arizo
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