Breaking Down Barriers: The Rise of Non-Denominational Churches

Breaking Down Barriers: The Rise of Non-Denominational Churches

Humanity's separation from God gets wider every year, yet despite what many scientists and humanists try to explain away, God still exists everywhere you look. Refinding God is about learning how to see. When you know how to witness God, you can revisit the arguments between faith and reason that challenge your beliefs.

Once you have rediscovered your faith in God, you must find a clear route to create the strong relationship needed to experience God's grace fully. Traditional denominations have always been there, but the barriers they place can prevent many from trying to reconnect.

Coming back to God through a non-denominational Church is the alternative. With modern Bible-based teaching and inspirational guides like Kraig Wall, many people find comfort and a real connection with the Lord that will see them through this life and into the next.

Faith vs. Reason

Humanity's fall away from God can be attributed to many aspects. One of the most significant factors is the faith versus reason assertion. Scientific reasoning would appear to exist for almost everything in the modern world. The argument is that a belief in Christianity is merely faith-based, and the lack of empirical evidence discredits it as an explanation.

These assertions have swayed many, yet they are substantially untrue. While it is true religion needs conviction, and some aspects of the Bible require you to have faith, the birth, death, and resurrection of Christ is a historical fact.

Suppose you transpose what we know and understand through the teaching of Christ and actually lay out the arguments against those science and humanists. In that case, better explanations are usually found in Christianity.

Reorienting Your Opinions of God's Word

If you come from the viewpoint where "reason" trumps faith, then when the message and meanings within the Bible is explained properly, you will discover that it explains things far more clearly than modern schools of thought.

We all seek to understand why. Philosophers have argued for over three thousand years as to the explanation of our own existence as cognitive beings with the ability to "reason." Many answers and philosophies have risen from the fire of this debate but none have been able to provide a better explanation than Christianity.

The irony is that the fact that we possess "reason" to debate these arguments makes Christianity the only answer, as neither science nor humanism can adequately explain our capacity to reason.

Will You Take Pascal's Wager?

Probably the best example of why Christianity cannot be trumped lies in Pascal's wager. Blaise Pascal was a Seventeenth Century French philosopher and mathematician specializing in mathematical probability theory. The concept of the existence of God wrestled in his mind for a large part of his life.

Pascal applied the arguments of probability to the question and concluded that if God did not exist, there would always be enough doubt that you were wrong. If you were then to consider the consequences of unbelief, then what you lose far outweighs any possible gain.

The actual reasoning is more complex, and he presents four arguments based on mathematical probabilities, including a decision table. You can argue that it could be more complex with more rows on evaluation of God's rewards and more columns with "many God's" arguments. However, the underlying thesis is still valid and will always be accurate.

Where Do You Turn to Connect or Reconnect with God

Catholic, Anglican, Presbyterian, and other traditionally denominated churches can be argued to have played a considerable role in the drift away from God. Often self-absorbed and self-righteous, they have failed to come to terms with the new challenges that are continually presented by today's world.

You might therefore then question as to whether these establishments still hold the answers you are looking for as an individual? In truth, all tracks to God are valid, and if this is where you feel comfortable, then it is likely to be where you should head.

There are however, different options, in the form of non-denominational churches, that have become far more accessible in numbers over the last few decades, and it is here that those looking to connect or reconnect feel far more comfortable in finding God.

The Rise of Non-Denominational Churches

The non-alignment with any particular denomination of Christianity is the basis on which a non-denominational Christianity is built. They are churches that have been born out of the need to take away the barriers that denominational religions, inadvertently or otherwise, place between the individual and God.

The Bible as the word of God acts as the only source of teachings for these churches, and the Pastors and Elders of these churches act as guides rather than interlocutors that denominational religions provide. They are devoid of almost all rituals and place emphasis on helping you form the closest relationship with God that you can.


The omnipotence of God is undoubted, he is everywhere and in everything. When you learn how to see this the arguments between faith and reason change and the battle in your mind as to whether you need to prove God exists is won.

Doubt in a necessary part of faith, it makes it stronger. To navigate these doubts, Christian churches can provide guidance. However some are better than others. Traditional denominations have often failed in this task. Thankfully, the baton has been taken up by non-denominational churches, who have found a better way for you to accept and become closer to God.


Image Credits: Freepik

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