Distinguish, differentiate, compare and explain what are the Similarities and Difference between Tundra and Desert. Comparison and Differences.
Desert Biome
Deserts are primarily defined by their lack of rain and overall lack of water. They generally get 10 inches or less rain in a year. They have dry soil, little to no surface water, and high evaporation. They are so dry that sometimes rain evaporates before it can hit the ground. Because deserts are so dry and their humidity is so low, they have no "blanket" to help insulate the ground. As a result, deserts get very hot during the day but do not hold the heat overnight. Some deserts can reach temperatures of over 100 degrees F during the day and then drop below freezing (32 degrees F) during the night.
Animals have adapted to survive in the desert despite its extreme temperatures and lack of water. Many animals sleep during the day and come out when it is cooler at night. Animals that live in the desert have also adapted to needing little water. Many get all the water they need from the food they eat. Other animals store fat to use when food is scarce. The camel stores up fat in its hump while other animals store up reserves in their tails. Desert animals include meerkats, camels, reptiles; such as horned toads, scorpions, and grasshoppers.
Only certain types of plants can survive the harsh environment of the desert. These include cactus, grasses, shrubs, and some short trees. Most of these plants have a way to store water in their stems, leaves, or trunks so they can survive a long time without water. They also tend to be spread out from each other and have a large root system so they can gather up all the water possible when it does rain.
Tundra Biome
The tundra is the coldest of the biomes. It is a treeless plain where harsh conditions make it hard for plants and animals alike to survive. Around 20% of the Earth is tundra. The tundra gets about 10 inches of precipitation per year, mostly snow. The tundra has two distinct seasons: a long winter and a short summer. Winter in the tundra lasts around 8 months and is extremely cold. The tundra is frozen and often covered with snow during the winter and can reach temperatures of -60 degrees F. However, the summer is shorter. In the middle of summer the sun is up for 24 hours, and temperatures may reach 50 degrees F causing the snow to melt and wetlands to form.
Plants that grow in the tundra include grasses, shrubs, herbs, and lichens. They grow in groups and stay low to the ground to stay protected from the icy winds. Additionally, plants tend to have shallow roots and flower quickly during the short summer months. The tundra has a lot more animal activity during the summer than the winter. This is because most birds migrate south for the summer, insects lay eggs that wait for the summer to hatch, and some mammals hibernate for the winter. There are even some animals, like the caribou, which migrate south for the winter. In contrast, some animals have adapted to winter in the tundra. The fur of some animals, like arctic hares and foxes, changes from brown in the summer to white in the winter to blend in with the snow.
Differences between Tundra and Desert
1. Tundra has snow, ice, and water. Desert has no snow, little rainfall and no water or ice.
2. Tundra is a type of very dry and extremely cold biome that mainly consists of snow covered lands. Desert is a type of dry and extremely hot biome that consists of sandy land.
3. Tundra is located near the poles of the earth. Deserts are located near the equator of the earth.
4. Tundra is located in the northern and southern part of the world. Deserts are more in the middle of the planet. Desert has cactuses.
5. Flora and Fauna in Tundra are less diverse as compared to desert.
Similarities between Tundra and Desert
1. They both have animals living there.
2. They are both real and part of history.
3. They both have plants.
Similarities - Differences between Tundra and Desert
Similarities between Desert and Similarities - Differences between Tundra
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