What to Do If You're in a Motorcycle Wreck

What to Do If You're in a Motorcycle Wreck

Motorcyclists account for about 14% of all traffic fatalities and 3% of all occupant injuries a year. The next time you're in a motorcycle wreck, make sure to follow these steps. Following these steps can help you maximize your claim.

With help from a lawyer, you won't have to pay for property damage or medical bills out of your own pocket.

Learn what to do after a motorcycle accident today.

Prepare Ahead

While you're not planning to get in an accident, it can help to prepare for one to minimize your injuries.

First, consider investing in high-quality gear. Always wear your riding leathers and helmet while on the road. Invest in a helmet, good jacket, tough pants, and leather gloves.

Keep your emergency contact information and insurance cards on you every time you're on the bike. Attach copies to your bike and keep copies on your person. When wearing protective gear, tape these documents to one of your shoulder pads.

You can also zip-tie your information on a frame rail.

The motorcycle's glove box might come apart during the crash. Having these documents on you will ensure first responders have access to your information. If you're too injured to respond, they won't struggle to identify you.

During the Wreck

Most motorcyclists claim they know they're about to go down immediately before it happens. Knowing how to react during a crash could save your life.

First, don't hold onto the handlebars before, during, or after the crash. Instead, let them go as soon as you know a crash is inevitable.

It's nearly impossible to control your body during a motorcycle accident. However, it helps to stay on your back and low to the ground right before the wreck occurs. If you fall at a higher speed, you could experience more extensive injuries.

Follow Instructions

If you're in extreme pain as a motorcycle accident victim, try to assess your injuries as quickly as possible. Let someone else instruct you on how to move and proceed.

If there's a chance you sustained a spinal injury, they might instruct you to remain motionless on the ground. Medical personnel might cut off your riding leathers to assess your injuries at the scene.

Follow their instructions to avoid sustaining further injuries.


PACT stands for prevent further injuries, assess the situation, contact EMS, and treat your injuries. Use PACT if you're able to move after a vehicle accident.

Prevent Further Injury

If you're able to move after a crash, move to safety right away. Try to move to the closest road shoulder as quickly as possible. Otherwise, you could sustain further injuries.

If you're able to, flip the kill switch or ignition on your bike. This will stop the engine from running. Otherwise, fuel and oil pumps will continue circulating, which could increase the chance of a fire.

Try to move your bike out of the way of incoming traffic if you're able to.

Assess the Situation

Review the scene of the accident. Try to determine what caused the accident, such as dangerous road conditions or weather.

Take stock of your obvious injuries immediately. Do a wiggle check by wiggling your toes and fingers. Note if you feel any sharp pins and needles sensations during this check.

If you feel a pins and needles sensation, you might have a spinal injury. Avoid moving until paramedics arrive.

Determine if anyone else was injured in the crash, too. Call for paramedics if anyone sustained serious injuries.

Take photos of your injuries while you're at the scene of the crash. Take photos of your bike and any other property damage that occurred, along with photos of the other driver's vehicle.

Your lawyer can use these photos to support your side of the story when trying your case.

Before leaving, get the other driver's name, license information, and insurance information.

Call 911

Call medical professionals and police to arrive at the scene of the motorcycle accident.

When speaking to the police, stick to the facts. Avoid embellishing what happened before the crash. Don't assign blame to the other driver, either.

However, you should note if you noticed the other driver was driving erratically or looking at their phone before the crash. These details could indicate the other driver was at fault.

Cooperate with the police as much as possible. Before they leave, ask for a copy of their police report. If the report isn't done yet, ask for their name, badge number, and card.

Your motorcycle attorney can call the police officer to request a copy of the report on your behalf.

Treat Injuries

If medical professionals didn't arrive at the scene of the crash, visit a doctor right away. A doctor's medical assessment can benefit your personal injury case. The doctor's report will indicate you sustained injuries as a result of the other driver's negligence.

Keep track of all medical expenses related to the crash, including medications, treatments, and surgeries.

Don't cancel any follow-up appointments you have with your doctor. Otherwise, it could look like there was a gap in your treatment plan. This gap might make it seem like your injuries weren't as severe as you claimed.

Call a Lawyer

Call a lawyer immediately after the motorcycle crash. Hiring a lawyer will help you fight for compensation. They'll make sure you don't pay for your losses out of pocket.

Choose an experienced lawyer who specializes in personal injury or auto accident claims. Their experience and expertise can help you maximize the payout. Otherwise, you'll have to pay for your losses alone.

You can determine if you need a motorcycle accident lawyer here.

Maximize Your Claim After a Motorcycle Wreck

Don't neglect to follow these tips the next time you're in a motorcycle wreck. Following these steps will ensure you gather the evidence you need to file a claim. With help from an experienced lawyer, you won't have to pay for losses out of pocket.

Hire an attorney you can trust to win your case today.

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Image Credits: Freepik

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