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Distinguish, differentiate, compare and explain what is the difference between Conservative and Nonconservative Forces. Comparison and Differences.
Difference between Conservative and Nonconservative Forces
1. The work done by a conservative force does not depend on the trajectory whereas the work done by a non-conservative force depends on the trajectory.
2. In conservative forces, the potential energy function can be defined, for examples: Gravity, spring. In non-conservative forces, the potential energy function cannot be defined for examples: Kinetic friction.
3. There is no network done in a closed loop by the conservative force while in non-conservative there is network done in a closed loop.
4. In conservative force, the kinetic energy is conserved on returning to the same position each time. In non-conservative force, kinetic energy is lost on returning to the same position each time.
5. Conservative force does equal work between two points, irrespective of its path. Non-conservative force does more work over longer distances.
Difference between Nonconservative Forces vs Conservative
Conservative vs Nonconservative Forces
Differences between Nonconservative Forces vs Conservative
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