Distinguish, differentiate, compare and explain what is the difference between the whole circle and reduced bearing system. Comparison and Differences.
Difference between the whole circle and reduced bearing system
1. In the whole circle bearing system, bearings are always taken in the clockwise direction from magnetic north. In reduced bearing system, bearings are taken, either from the magnetic north or the magnetic south depending on which one is nearer to the line.
2. The Direction of angle (or bearings) is always taken in the clockwise direction in whole circle bearing. The Direction of angle (or bearings) may be clockwise or anticlockwise depends upon the condition in reduced bearing system.
3. In the whole circle bearing system, bearings varies from 0 to 360 degrees. In reduced bearing system bearing varies from 0 to 90 degrees.
Difference between reduced bearing system vs Whole circle
Whole circle vs reduced bearing system
Differences between reduced bearing system vs Whole circle
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